mercredi 14 avril 2010

Interview du groupe Daggers

Could you please introduce yourself one by one ?
David : vocals
Thierry : guitars
Yannick : drums
Greg: bass

Where did the band name come from ? Has it a special meaning ?
We wanted something short, easy to remember. Aggressive. Kris Deweerdt, our ex singer, came with the name and we said ok... No special meaning.

How did the band get formed ? How did you meet yourself ?
Thierry and Yannick are brothers and we know each others since a long time now. Same schools, going to the same shows, playing the same epic games, and that's very important, we all love Rhapsody... We have also played in some bands before Daggers, sometime together. And for sure it was a very helpful experience because we knew that we were able to play together and with the same motivation. At the very beginning of the band, it was Thierry and I playing mathcore stuffs (well, kind of). He was drummer and I was bass player. From that moment till now we had tons of line up changes and it was a long way to get a solid one. Now it's done, we learned a lot and can finaly go forward.

How did you meet your label Anchors Aweigh Records ?
Kris organised a show for Gold Kids in our rehearsal room, one of our first show. It's a really small place, warm as fuck. The show was sick. It was the first time we met André, who's running the label.

May you describe your music ?
We play what we feel, so I guess we don't feel that good for the moment. Just want to play some pissed punk tunes.

How do you compose your sounds?
Usually Thierry come with some guitar riffs, then we change everything together and we have some kind of a song.

What do you talk about in your songs ?
Shit that pisses us off. About life and our own experiences. It's a nice therapy to avoid mass murder.

What are your main influences? Rise and Fall ?
Choking Victim.

Could you give me a list of your current favorites tracks ?
Every Rhapsody's and AC/DC's songs. They are the best to hit the road

How do you prepare your gigs ?
We rehearse, smoke weed and praise the Great Elders around altars somewhere in the forest.

How did the audience reply on your music?
It's hard to say. Some people mosh, some of them just stay and watch, we have good and bad feed back. I don't know, but things are not going so bad.

What can we expect of you in the near future?
Now that we have a solid line-up we're looking forward to work on our next LP, and tour as much as we can. We already record a song called Golden Teacher, the first we wrote together. And well, we are pretty happy of the way things are moving on.

Having played in many different venues, you must have some crazy or embarrassing stories to go with it?
There's a bunch of epic stories on tour, lots of parties. Riga was great, lot of drugs, lot of misterious alcohools. It ended at 11am in a hospital but i admit i dont remember much about the whole night.

What do you think of Belgium hardcore scene ?
We've met good friends, see and play with awesome bands but we are not so much into the whole "Hardcore scene" spirit.
Check out Midnight Souls, killer band.

dimanche 11 avril 2010

Interview du groupe Radio Maquis

Pouvez-vous vous présenter individuellement (parcours etc.)? Quels sont vos parcours musicaux respectifs ?

On est tous issus de plusieurs groupes, de divers styles, punk hardcore, punk rock ou rock, pour ceux que ça intéresse : Les Chiens Fous ou Les Putes de L’Autoroute par exemple … Nos groupe ayant splittés et la scène locale étant restreinte, nos chemins se sont inévitablement croisés, d’où la naissance, il y à maintenant 3 ans de Radio Maquis.

Comment vous êtes vous rencontrés ?

Autour du bar après un concert au Raymond Bar, dont on fait un peu de promo, c’est un endroit culte de chez nous, ou énormément de groupes ont eu l’occasion de jouer. On peut dire que c’est un peu notre repère. Notre rencontre ne pouvait que se faire la bas.

D' où viens le nom du groupe ? C'est une référence à la résistance française durant la deuxième guerre mondiale ?

Pour être concret : La radio représente la diffusion de nos idées et le maquis la résistance, on y trouve évidemment une référence à la résistance française car tout comme eux, mais à travers nos textes, nous nous opposons à des idéologies, et à un système en lequel nous ne croyons pas. Que ce soit autant au niveau politique, économique, social et on en passe !

On vous compare souvent à Tagada Jones trouvez-vous cela justifié ?


Quelles sont vos influences ?
On écoute vraiment de tout, et chacun à ses préférences, on peux dire qu’on adhère particulièrement au Punk Hardcore mais chacun trouve ses références dans divers styles, que ce soit du Hardcore, de l’Electro, de la Noise, du Crust ou même du Hip Hop.

Vous écoutez quoi comme musique ces temps ci ?

Comme pour la question précédente c’est vraiment divers et varié pour chacun, pour citer quelques groupes à la volée : Paint it Black, Raised Fist, Explosion in the Sky, Ataris Teenage Riot, Capricorns, Isis, Converge, Anti Flag, Fall of Efrafa, Tragedy, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Genghis Tron … etc etc !

Comment se passent vos concerts ? Comment le public réagi ?

En général ça se passe bien évidemment, concernant le public c’est assez aléatoire vu qu’on joue un « entre-style « , du punk mais pas que, du hardcore mais pas que, de l’electro mais pas que …Les gens qui se déplacent a nos concerts ont pas l’air de le vivre si mal que ça haha. Evidemment il y a bien quelques punks pour qui c’est trop hardcore et quelques coreux pour qui c’est trop punk mais bon. Dans tous les cas les retours sont plutôt positifs, on à pas à se plaindre!

Avez-vous des projets en cours ?

Ben justement on sort juste un vinyl 7 pouces split avec un groupe de Limoges : Myciaa, un duo electro punk de copains, déjà en vente ou très bientôt (en fonction de la date de publication de cette interview). On prépare aussi une tournée de 2 semaines dans l’Europe de l’est pour septembre 2010, on travaille dessus actuellement donc les dates ne sont pas encore fixées. Et On projette aussi l’enregistrement d’un nouvel EP dans le courant de l’année qui on l’espère verra le jour fin 2010 début 2011 ! Après tout ça on va se mettre à la préparation d‘un album, le tout agrémenté de concerts un peu partout et en avant !

Un dernier mot...

Deja merci à toi de nous avoir proposé cette interview !
Sinon pour info on joue à Tarbes le 24 avril au Celtic Pub avec Hiroshima mon Amour.
On va se mettre à la recherche de dates pour octobre, novembre, decembre donc n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ! On aimerais aussi saluer des potes qui font du son succeptible d’intéresser les gens qui lisent cet article :

Myciaa (electro punk avec qui on sort le split vinyl – limoges)
Sideburns Sweat (punk hardcore – Limoges)
Attentat Sonore (Punk Rock – Limoges)
Stalk (electro rock – clermont)
Misere Sociale Crew (electro punk hardcore – paris)
Dirty Fingers Licked (breakcore indus – toulouse) (vive la haine et la violence ;))
Insalus (crust punk – paris)
En Attendant (punkrock de jeunes qui se bougent vers chez nous)
Sofy Major (noise hardcore side project de notre batteur à clermont)
Le Dernier Singe (du rock de chez nous aussi)

On en oublie sûrement mais bon …

On remercie aussi les labels qui nous aident à sortir nos prods et nous soutiennent :

Fight or Flight Records
Guerilla Vinyl
Fuck Your Laws
Fight for your Mind
Les Ténèbres Records
Beer Records

Nos contacts pour infos :

vendredi 9 avril 2010

Interview du groupe Belzebass

Could you please introduce yourself one by one ?

-Hi, my name is borkia, and i'm not really gay.
-Hi, my name is K, and i smoke a lot of grass.

Who made up the band name ? Is it inspired by Belzebuth ?

Yeah it's inspired by our Lord Satan, the only one god of Metal music.
We had mix belze, from belzebuth, and bass, because we love infernal and nasty basslines.

How did the band get formed? How did you meet yourself ?

We met ourself for the first time in highschool first day, and we became already BFF like Paris and Nicole, cuz we were very stoned.

May you describe your music ?

We don't know what we are really doing,but we mix our influences in a genre called by us:ELEKTRODEATH"DIOPORCO"CLUBCORE

Which tools and softwares do you use for producing your tracks ?

We use FL9 XXl, audacity, some vst, novation xio synth, lsdj, an home made talkbox. 

What are your main influences?

All the SIDECHAIN MASSACRE producers, cyberpunkers, huoratron, mightyfools, data, moshpit, tekone, rusko. 

Your sound is violent, you seem to love metal music, have you ever thought to make a metal band ?

Before"belzebass" project, we played in a few death metal and hardcore band, now we have a project called "sturobox" but it's nothing of serious,moreover sucks!!it's only to just give vent to our creativity!

What are your favorite metal/hardcore/punk bands ?

as blood runs black, asesino, pantera, raised fist, cripple bastards, suicide silence,slayer,slipknot(album slipknot and iowa), elvis, death elvis.

Could you give me a list of your current favorites tracks ?

creepy - mightyfools rmx.
i need to go - cyberpunkers.
escape - bloody beetroots rmx.
only one - dj antention.
prix de rome - the "s".
blessed - i am orkid.
Knock You Out - andy george rmx.

How do you prepare your gigs ?


How did the audience reply on your music?

U SUCK! U SUCK! U SUCK! elektropeople don't like metal e metalheads don't like elektro

What can we expect of you in the near future?

Nothing! we'll die the next week on an airplane.

If you have some final words to add, please do it here.

We are poor!! please booking us!! please!!

samedi 3 avril 2010

Interview du groupe HavocNdeeD

How did the band get formed? How did you meet?
 -We (OB-one & J.Paul) originally met from dj'ing together @ a club in Salt Lake. We were both doing production on our own & realized that we had similar musical interests, musical backgrounds, & work ethic so we decided to collaborate...the rest is history as they say.

Who made up the band name? Has it a special meaning?

-It was a name that I (OB-one) had on ice for years that I had always wanted to use. We both agreed that it seemed to fit what our goal was musically, to create havoc indeed!!!

How do you prepare for your gigs?

-Our live show is very important to us so we rehearse every chance we get in between our track deadlines. Our ultimate goal is to have a complete live show where we create all the elements to our tracks.

How does the audience react to your music?

-We have gotten great response to our tracks. We try not to limit our tracks to a particular style so we can reach a broader audience. We try to create something for everyone, if you will.

How did you meet Skaught Perry and Theresa Joy?

-Skaught and I (J.Paul) have worked together for almost 10 years in various musical projects. We originally met in 2001 when Skaught's band came into the music shop I was working in and his former guitar player stole a guitar from me. After some ass kicking, we all ended up jamming together...

   -We met Theresa through my (J.Paul's) lady, Mary Mahan. Mary was serving Theresa at RA (Sushi restaurant) where they began to talk music. Next thing ya know... "Vindicta."

How did you meet your labels?

-I (J.Paul) have been doing various remixes/originals for "Dance Music Label Carrillo Music" for 3 years. When Ben and I started going full force, I hit up Rod (CEO of DMLCM) and "suggested" no more "J.Paul" remixes and that he needed "HavocNdeeD" instead. Thankfully, it only took 1 remix to twist his arm.

 -We started the "Play Me" relationship through Ben's hustle. When we started putting out tracks, Ben started blasting and when we eventually met with Play Me, we loved their overall drive, honesty and game-plan.

What can we expect of you in the near future?

-We have a lot of stuff in the works...tons of original tracks & remixes...& hopefully from those many shows will come about. We're just trying to get our name out there & pay our dues ya know.

What do you think of american dubstep scene?
-The American dubstep scene is young & unique. It's very exciting to be a part of something in it's infant stages & see it develop. It's definitely growing quickly & breeding many great artists each with a unique sound.
